Service Announcement
Changes were made to Uplink your nodes to to continue showing on this map.

Meshtastic Map

Created by Liam Cottle

👋 Welcome to my open source map of Meshtastic nodes heard on MQTT.
  • The map shows nodes that have sent a valid position to MQTT.
  • Position packets must be unencrypted, or encrypted with the default key.
  • Use the search bar to find nodes by ID or name.
  • Hover over nodes (on desktop) to see basic details.
  • Click a node to see info such as telemetry graphs and traceroutes.
  • Use the top right layers panel to show neighbours and waypoints.
  • Use the settings button to configure the map to your liking.
  • Have a feature request, or found a bug? Open an issue on GitHub.
How do I add my node to the map?
Your node, or a node that hears your node must uplink to our MQTT server.
Your position packet must be unencrypted, or encrypted with the default key.
If your node has v2.5 firmware or newer, you must enable "OK to MQTT".
Use the MQTT server details below to uplink to this map.
What MQTT server should I use?
  • Address:
  • Username: uplink
  • Password: uplink
  • Encryption Enabled: Yes
  • JSON Output: No
  • TLS Enabled: No
Please note, nodes can only uplink to this server. Downlink is disabled.
We suggest running dedicated nodes for uplinking to the map.
How do I remove my node from the map?
Nodes that have not been heard for 7 days are automatically removed.
Disable position reporting in your node to prevent it coming back.
Use custom encryption keys so the public can't see your position data.
If your node has v2.5 firmware or newer, we ignore packets if "OK to MQTT" is disabled.
To have your node removed now, please contact me.
How do I see neighbours a node heard?
Open the top right layers panel and enable neighbours.
Some neighbours are from MQTT, this is patched in latest firmware.
Why is my node showing up in the wrong place?
This public map obfuscates your position packets for v2.4 firmware and older.
Nodes on v2.4 and older have their positions obfuscated to 2 decimal places.
Nodes on v2.5 and newer, with "OK to MQTT" enabled, will show positions with your configured precision.
Nodes on v2.5 and newer, with "OK to MQTT" disabled, will not update their positions.
This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meshtastic project.
The Meshtastic logo is the trademark of Meshtastic LLC.
Map tiles provided by OpenStreetMap